How Your Intuition Can Help You Navigate Beautifully Through Life

by Jodi Livon

Did you know that you hold, and have always held, your own means to a priceless piece of bliss?

I’m referring to your inheritance, your birthright . . . your own intuition!

Love and psychic intuition are soul sisters; they are born of the same source.

If you have ever wondered what a psychic looks like, look in the mirror! People with a great capacity for intuitive insights and even mediumistic abilities look pretty much like you and me — because they are you and me! Individuals from all walks of life, with or without training, can and do benefit from tapping into their intuition.

Are you aware of the insightful moments in your life? You may refer to them as a gut feeling, instinct, or a knowing hunch. Perhaps your insights arrive through precognitive dreams; these are the dreams that give you a heads-up to what may be on your horizon. Gut feelings, instincts, hunches, and dreams are all part of a natural process.

Intuition is the voice of your soul and the calm voice of reason. It can help you navigate beautifully through life. This ability, along with all other creative abilities, were given to us all to enhance our lives.

When Things Don’t Add Up, Intuition Helps You Do the Math

Intuitive insights are helpful in problem-solving and also remind us that we are on the right track. They may lead you to a house, a friend, or a great parking spot. They also can act as an internal alarm system, one that alerts you to pay special attention to what is happening. This may be because something special is about to occur or because knowing what you now know, you can keep something not-so-special from happening.

Whenever you unexpectedly feel one or more of the sensations listed below, your intuition is likely signaling you to be attentive:

* Everything seems to be moving in slow motion

* Colors are deeper and more vibrant than before

* Everything has become still

The key factor in all intuitive insights is that they are for the good of all. If you pick up on something that isn’t good, drop it.

Your Intuition is Great at Giving Directions

Your intuition is great at giving directions. Have you ever decided at the last minute to take a different route to work than usual, only to find that by doing so you avoided substantial delays? That’s your intuition in action!

Intuitive insights are natural. What is not natural is ignoring them. Can you think of a time when you didn’t follow your instincts and things turned sour as a result? No need to beat yourself up over it — learning to trust your psychic intuition is a process.

I love helping people tap into their own psychic intuition. All you need to start is an open, willing, and discerning mind and an awareness of your light.

We are all connected one to the other because we are Universal sparks of light. Whenever you are doing spiritual study and intuitive work of any kind, it is helpful to ignite your light by remembering and honoring your Higher Power.

Before I do a reading I meditate, pray, and say, “My intent is to serve my Higher Power and to do only that which is for the good of all.”

Is This Intuition or Could I Be Psychic?

I often interchange the words “intuitive” and “psychic.” This is because they are essentially the same thing. The professional medium and author John Holland explains it this way: “I’d say that psychic ability is simply the natural extension of our intuition” (Soul Inspirations newsletter, 8/24/20).

When I began my practice thirty-some years ago, I choose to integrate the word “intuitive” into the description of my work.  It felt fresh and carried less history and misinterpretation than the word “psychic.” So began my work as an intuitive coach.

Everyone experiences intuitive insights, either consciously or unconsciously. When those insights are honored, they increase in frequency. Those who study the art of intuition and become authentically skilled often refer to themselves as psychic.

To be clear, psychics are simply interpreters of information. Psychics have a telepathic connection with people in this world and are able to sense what is, what was, and what may be.

How do they do this? By paying attention to how they feel. Intuition is a language that speaks to us through our feelings. Our feelings are the wings of our intuition.

Here’s How Your Intuition Works

When you are aware of how you feel, your intuition comes alive. For instance, chills running up and down your arms are not just signs that you are feeling cold — they can be intuitive signals that something that was just said, or is about to be said, is true and important. In a similar way, feeling butterflies in your tummy is not always nerves — it could be a sign something special is taking wing in your life. But you won’t be able to read these signs if you have shut down emotionally.

The bottom line is, pay attention to how you feel and signs from the Universe will become clearer and clearer. For example, you may be seriously pondering taking a trip overseas and you notice a commercial on television encouraging travel to Asia. Your stomach jumps and you feel happy as you view the advertisement. This is your intuition encouraging you to explore the possibility of travel.

You can seek intuition-related confirmation and guidance as long as you know the answer is for the good of all. For clarification, look to the combination of your heart, gut, and head.

Follow your Heart, Trust your Gut, and Use your Head

A helpful rule of thumb when using your intuition is to follow your heart, trust your gut, and use your head. The combination will help to both protect and inspire you.

First, ask yourself where your heart is with a decision. Then, does your gut (intuition) feel right about it? Then ask yourself if your head — meaning your reasoning mind — give you thumbs-up. When all three are in alignment, you are good to go. Remember, your decision may not result in the exact outcome you desire, but in my experience it creates the best one for your soul.

Recognizing the nuances in intuitive messages is invaluable. Learning balance is essential. When you follow your heart, trust your gut, and use your head, you have balance; you have in essence found the happy medium.

Psychic vs. Psychic Medium

All mediums are psychic. They have a telepathic connection with people in this world, and are able to sense what was, what is, and what may be.

However, not all psychics are mediums (although I do believe everyone has some mediumistic capabilities). A medium is a mediator between the spirit world and the physical world. Mediums have a telepathic connection with souls in both worlds.

I am a psychic medium, and when I open up to receive intuitive information, I am opening to spirits as well. I open up through the energy of love. It’s all about love.

All crossed-over spirits were once someone’s significant someone, and they still are. Love never dies. These spirits can reach out to us through their love for us and we can communicate with them through our love for them.

You don’t have to be a seasoned medium to sense the presence of a loved one in spirit. Your intuition can be your guide.

The Foundation of Intuitive Work: Good Boundaries

The foundation of intuitive work of any kind is good boundaries.

Knowing where your space ends and another person’s space begins is an example of good boundaries. If you are aware of your boundaries, when you are grouchy you won’t take it out on others.

Likewise, when someone is feeling blue, you won’t absorb or take on their sadness. This is what it means to stay within your own space. It is powerful and relevant in every arena of your life. Here’s an exercise for boosting your boundaries.

Boost Your Boundaries Exercise

  • Straighten your spine and sit or stand comfortably
  • Close your eyes
  • Bring to mind someone you love who loves you
  • Allow the feeling of their love to fill you up
  • Slowly and deliberately, inhale and exhale deeply through your nose
  • Say your full name to yourself
  • For the next five minutes, listen to the sound of your breath as it enters and exits your body as you breathe naturally.
  • Next, imagine a healing, loving, divine white light gently moving up from the core of the Earth and into your body through your feet
  • The light fills every cell of your body with healing light as it floats through you and out the top of your head
  • Now the light tenderly drops over you, forming an egg-shaped glow around your body
  • Know that nothing but love can penetrate the light
  • You are now divinely protected

Prompting Intuitive Instincts into Action!

The language of intuition involves an intuitive code. Intuitive information is communicated through both emotions and physical sensations. Deciphering what these sensations mean is the key to understanding the language of your intuition.

So when we honor our feelings, discerning physical and emotional signals will begin to come more naturally.

There is a way to level-headedly calibrate your body to understand and use your intuition. Being in-tune with but not being overwhelmed by how you feel, throughout your day is how you attune yourself.

Now that you’ve strengthened your boundaries, it will be easier to notice your intuitive hunches. For the remainder of the day, observe and acknowledge every perceptive hunch and insight that occurs. Be open, for example, to a knowing feeling emanating from within and/or a sudden download of information that aids in problem-solving. Record and acknowledge their accuracy through the written or spoken word.

You don’t have to follow every hunch; just record the emotions and physical sensations that accompanied them. Later on, when what you sensed did come to fruition for example, the notes you took will be affirming and help you build confidence in your intuition.

Additionally, take note of how you have already been tapping into your intuition, even if unconsciously.

If, out of the blue, you feel the love of someone who is now in spirit, say hello and send love back to them. They want you to know they are okay and that they have not vanished completely from your life.  When you acknowledge the feeling of their love and their presence, you touch their soul.

Know that you are an insightful and loved child of the Universe and that the Universe has your back. Fill yourself with thoughts that bring you joy and happiness, and illumination and light will follow. Be open to your insights as they arise. Acknowledge them and they will grow.

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Published author Jodi Livon, The Happy Medium®, has been a corporate psychic and intuitive coach for over three decades.

She’s a favored local and national TV and radio personality and has been the resident psychic on a popular TV talk show, Twin Cities Live, since 2009.

Please visit her website and friend, follow, and subscribe to her on social media: YouTube , facebook Jodi Livon , twitter @JodiLivon , Instagram JodiTheHappyMedium.

Featured post photo by Jen Theodore on Unsplash.

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