I read about the law of attraction years ago. At the time, I thought, Hm. That’s interesting. Wonder if that works?
I started paying more attention to my thoughts and what I was “putting out there” in the universe. And taking note of what came back my way.
I can now say that I’m a believer. In my life, the law of attraction works.
But I have friends who scoff at the notion, and even patient family members tend to roll their eyes.
I get it. So far, we don’t have any solid scientific evidence behind this “law.” But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to this idea that we can attract into our lives those things we’re looking for.
I just recently had yet another experience that proved this is true…in my life, at least.
And as usual, even though I’m a believer—it surprised me!

The Universe Nudged Me Toward Finding a New Dog
Five years ago, I had to put my black German Shepherd to sleep.
She was 14 years old and had enjoyed a long and healthy life, but at that point, her arms were full of tumors and she had arthritis in her spine, so she could no longer get around and she was dealing with constant pain.
Anyone who’s had to put an animal to sleep knows how hard it is. I’d had dogs all my life, but this particular experience was extremely difficult. It took me a long time to get over it.
Five years, apparently. There were other circumstances. I was traveling more, which makes it hard to keep a dog. My fence needed some repairs, too. But looking back, I think it was mostly about getting over the sadness and finally being ready to move on.
A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I started browsing the internet for dogs. I didn’t make a “decision” to get a dog. It wasn’t a left-brain type of thing. I had thought about it before but never acted on it. This time, without “thinking,” I just started browsing.
When Looking for a New Dog, I Didn’t Think About the Law of Attraction
First, I looked at puppies. I’ve had both rescue dogs and puppies, and to be honest, I prefer puppies. They come with a blank slate—no bad habits—and I like having a well-mannered dog.
Again, I wasn’t really looking to buy. I was just looking. I checked for German Shepherd puppies. The results weren’t good. They were super expensive (prices have gone up a lot in the last five years), and some looked like they were mixed with other breeds, or they were not available for another six months to a year. (Hello waiting list.)
Next, I looked at Doberman puppies. I owned a rescue Doberman before my German Shepherd, and she was a great dog too. Again, the results weren’t good. There weren’t many available near me, there were a lot of waiting lists, and those that were available were even more expensive than the German Shepherds were. ($4,000-5,000 for a puppy? Really?)

Still Ignoring the Law of Attraction, I Narrowed My Choices
So just for “fun,” I started browsing shelter dogs. I still hadn’t made an actual decision to get a new dog. It was mindless scrolling…nothing more.
Then I saw this picture (at left). The dog reminded me some of my old German Shepherd. And those eyes! So I marked the page and went about my day.
I thought about the dog. I considered going to look at her. But I didn’t. I looked at the picture a few times. I checked the site again. But I didn’t take action.
While all this was going on, I asked myself: “If you were to get a dog, what kind of dog would you really like?”
My answer came quickly: A German Shepherd, but smaller.
Curious about what sort of breed might fit the bill, I did some research. I looked high and low for something similar to what I had but smaller. At the same time, I wanted certain characteristics. A female dog that was smart, looked something like a German Shepherd, and was active and loyal.
My search didn’t turn up any other breed that seemed to fit. I checked the shelter page again. The black dog was gone. She’d been adopted. I was happy for her, and felt a little like maybe I had missed out, but not a lot. I went back to researching.

How the Law of Attraction Helped Me Find “The One”
Unbeknownst to me at the time, my examination of what I wanted in a dog—something like a German Shepherd, but smaller—had gone out into the universe where it was then working its magic.
Within a week—talk about fast!—my casual browsing of the nearby shelter sites turned up this picture (at left).
Oh my.
Staring back at me was the very picture of what I had been looking for. I checked the description. It was a female, young, athletic, smart…and under 50 pounds.
The shelter described her as a cross between a German Shepherd and an Australian Kelpie. Talk about unique! I checked the Australian Kelpie breed and had to agree there were some similarities—in appearance, at least.
This time, I took action. I packed up and drove to the shelter, which was 90 minutes away, and spent some time with the dog. After about 30 minutes, I returned her and told the manager I would think about it.
I had only driven about 10 miles away when I knew—this was my dog! My fence still wasn’t fixed. I hadn’t done anything to “get ready” for a new dog. But I couldn’t deny that the universe had plopped into my lap the exact dog I was looking for.
That’s when it finally hit me—I had used the law of attraction to find my perfect pal.
How to Use the Law of Attraction to Bring What You Want Into Your Life
Critics would say it was just a coincidence. I started looking for a dog and happened to find one. What’s the big deal?
There are many big deals about this event for me:
- Just at the time I started looking for a dog, this one showed up.
- This dog is unique—I have never seen one like her. And she matched exactly what I was hoping for.
- She just happened to be donated to a shelter within a few days of when I started browsing the internet for dogs. Because I started my search with puppies, it took me some time to find her.
- She was at a shelter within easy driving distance.
There’s more to the story. I emailed the manager and told him I wanted her, and shortly after sent him the application I had to fill out for the adoption. While waiting for him to approve that, I started calling fence companies.
Turns out that this time of year is a super busy time for fence companies. Either they didn’t repair fences like mine (made of wood and wire), or they were so busy they wouldn’t be able to fit me in until next spring.
Next spring? I have a new dog coming in a week!
I called ten or more with no luck. I was getting nervous. I was scheduled to pick up the dog the following Sunday, a week to the day from when I had first visited her, and my fence was not secure.
Finally, I got a fellow who said he would come to give me an estimate. He too was extremely busy and would be doing any repairs in his off-hours. At first, he told me he would need a couple of weeks.
But long story short, guess what? On the very Sunday I went to pick up the dog, this man came and repaired the fence. I returned home to a secure fenced yard in which my new dog could run free without worry.
The Success of the Law of Attraction Depends on Your Efforts
This sort of thing has happened often enough in my life that I tend to think not.
There are factors, however, that can affect whether or not we attract into our lives what we’re hoping for. In my experience, they are:
- Whether or not the timing is right. I’ve found that if I listen to my intuition, it will nudge me when it’s time to start putting a new intention out there. (Such as, “How about a new dog? Preferably a German Shepherd type but smaller.”) I think if I had tried to force the issue of getting a dog before the right time, I wouldn’t have been as successful.
- Whether the change is right for you. In this case, having a dog is likely to be very good for me. Dogs are great for keeping you active and healthy, which is always something that a writer needs to be thinking about, plus my travel has slowed down (for the moment) so I’m open to the new caretaking responsibilities. Had my situation been different, the outcome probably would have been, too.
- Your role in setting the intention and following through. I think our own follow-through is critical to making the law of attraction work. Intuition and the universe act subtly. We have to take advantage of the signals we receive and act to get what we’re looking for. In other words, this isn’t about sitting back and expecting the universe to deliver. It’s about working with the universe to create optimal results.
I have many other experiences like this one that have proved to me how well the law of attraction (or in my thinking, “working with the universe”) can work. I’m always surprised at how well it works, though.
I mean, look at this girl.
All I can say is, Thanks!
(To see a video of my journey to pick up Storm, click here!)
Wonderful story, Colleen! I use the Law of Attraction all the time. It works. Timing is everything. Patience is required. When I’m ready, I’ll attract the right dog into my life. We lost our yellow lab 2 years ago, and I’m still not over him. Plus we have an 18 year-old calico cat that needs our attention and love. All the best with your new fur baby! Enjoy her!!
Aww, I’m sorry Sharon. It’s very hard to lose them that’s for sure. I did the same–just focused on my sweet kitty for a time! Thank you—we’re definitely having fun. 🙂
I love this confirmation story, Colleen. I too believe strongly in the Law of Attraction and believe what we put out in our thoughts and actions sends a strong message to the Universe. Thank you for sharing!! Love the new fur baby!
Thanks, Jan! Yes, it sure seems to be so from my experience. Ha ha. She’s a sweetie. 🙂
Congratulations, Colleen. She’s so sweet. I think you and the law of attraction have a good thing going on! I’m going to work on it, too.
Thanks, Jo-Anne! She is very sweet. Ha ha ha. At least we did this time! Good luck!